What is SEO Analysis.

What Is SEO Analysis?

When it comes to search engine optimisation, analysis is key. Without understanding how your website is performing, it’s difficult to make improvements and see results. Our team of experts have years of experience in SEO analysis and analytics. We can uncover data that drives results.

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eCommerce Tracking

eCommerce tracking is a must for any business with an online store. By tracking eCommerce data, businesses can see which marketing efforts are result-proven and which ones aren't. Additionally, businesses can use eCommerce tracking to find out which products are selling well and which ones need more work. With eCommerce Tracking from the Geeky team, you can make data-driven decisions that will result in more sales, happier customers, and improved SEO.

Google Analytics Integration

Google Analytics is an essential tool for website owners who want to maximise their site's potential. Not only does it provide valuable insights into user behaviour, but it also offers a host of other features that can help you optimise your site and improve your overall online presence. The Geeky team can integrate Google Analytics into your website in order to make data-driven decisions that enhance your SEO.

Google Search Console Setup

There are many benefits to setting up Google Search Console for your website. For one, it can help you to monitor and improve your website's search results. Additionally, it can help you to resolve any issues that may be affecting your website's ranking. And finally, it provides you with a trusted and proven way to track your website's progress over time. The Geeky team can set up Google Search Console for your website and help you make the most of this free tool!

Bing Webmaster Tools Setup

When people think of SEO, they think of Google, but Bing is important too! wearegeeky.com can set up Bing Webmaster Tools for your website. This can result in more visibility in Microsoft's search engine, more traffic from Bing searches, and more opportunities for revenue and profit. Setting up Bing Webmaster tools also verifies your website with Bing. Trust the Geeky team to set up Bing Webmaster Tools and complete comprehensive Bing optimisation for your business.

Heatmap Analytics

By tracking user behaviour, heatmap analytics provides insights into what people are doing on your website or app. This information can be used to improve the user experience, increase conversions, and drive growth. wearegeeky.com offers proven heatmap analytics solutions for businesses of all sizes. Partner with our team to improve your SEO and your bottom line through innovative heatmap analytics.

Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking

Enhanced eCommerce is a Google Analytics plugin that provides you with a comprehensive view of your online store, your products, and how users are interacting with them. Find out what products are being viewed, how long customers are spending on each page, and what items are being added to or removed from carts. Use this information to improve the shopping experience and increase conversions and profits. Enhanced eCommerce Tracking can be difficult to implement, but the Geeky team can ensure a seamless integration that helps you get more from your eCommerce store.

Competitor Analysis

To truly dominate the search engines, you need to understand your competitors' SEO strategies and adjust your own accordingly. wearegeeky.com utilises specialised tools and techniques to perform a thorough competitor analysis for your business. By understanding what your competitors are doing, our team can ensure your SEO efforts are results-proven, trusted by potential customers and search engines, and one step ahead of the rest!

Search Intent Analysis

Search intent analysis is the process of understanding why someone is typing a particular query into a search engine. Is the searcher looking to buy something? Learn something? Be entertained? wearegeeky.com search intent analysis techniques allow us to understand what your customers are searching for and why. We can then create content that builds trust with your audience and increases the likelihood of converting searchers into paying customers or clients.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an essential tool for any business that wants to succeed in the digital world. The Geeky team will research and target specific SEO keywords that help your business rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more relevant traffic to your website. Keyword research can also help us better understand your customers' needs and pain points, allowing us to create more targeted content that resonates with your audience.


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